Its 1.49 p.m!! and i didnt do a single shit yet! haha. seriously today's probem statement is like shit. really dun understand. Not only me, THE WHOLE CLASS were slacking. Didnt do the ppt at all! haha. BUSUK them! haha.
So boring.Got nthg to do so as per normal lar i go online SHOPPING!!! hehehe. n im really gone crazy over all the bags and acessories!!! i wanna buy!!!!!!!! hehe. n... IM BUYING THIS BAG... hehehe.

COOL RITE... hehe I LOVE IT!!!
wanna see what the other things that gonna be my next wish lists ??? hehehe.. see below...
SGD $80
SGD$ 40
Okay2. I think im gonna be crazy over ol tiz tinggy.. haha. DADDY!!!! I want dollars puhleeeessssh...
kay2 MARSHA STOP IT!!! haha