Thursday, February 28, 2008
MARSHA.HERS posted at 3:07 PM |

I found myself today
I found myself and ran away
Something pulled me back
Voice of reason I forgot I had
All I know is you're not here to stay
But you always used to say
But it's written in the sky tonight
So I won't give up
No, I won't break down
Sooner than it seems life turns around
And I will be strong
Even if it all goes wrong
When I'm standing in the dark
I'll still believe
Someone's watching over me
Seen that red light
And it's shining on my destiny
Shining all the time
And I won't be afraid
To follow everywhere its taking me
All I know is yesterday is gone
And right now I belong
To this moment to my dreams
It doesn't matter what people say
It doesn't matter how long it takes
Believe in yourself
And you'll find how
And it only matters how true you are
Be true to yourself
And follow your heart
Monday, February 25, 2008
MARSHA.HERS posted at 11:15 PM |

SICK!! hate being sick lar deh..
But nah... Im happy... hheheh.
guess wat...
I got an oreocheesecake surprise!!
long time didnt eat it..
Thanks dude... appreciated! (=
hm.. 5 more days to go...
hmhm... gonna miss my bed again.. )=
Sunday, February 24, 2008
MARSHA.HERS posted at 7:51 PM |

Sometimes its hard to trust anyone...
Da one tat u trust most will always be unexpectedly da one who betrayed u..
Tats why ppl always say expect the unexpected...
Live in this world as though ure surrounded by loadsa monsters... (=
MARSHA.HERS posted at 6:26 PM |

There's a lot of ways...
The prob is which one to choose..
or which one is the best?
One, Two or Three?? or no where.. (=
Sunday, February 17, 2008
MARSHA.HERS posted at 7:04 PM |

Why? How?
Tell me this isnt true
Slap me so i can realise that the reality that im facing through
I need u
I want u
PUUH-LEASE tell me what shud i do
SLAP2 SMACK2 marsha's head
wake up wake up BUNBUN's head
This is da fact that u shud faced
Dun pull urself down eventhough ur heart now is half dead
~Looooooooooooooooooooooooooong exhaled....*SIGH*~
How do
marsha really wish one sunny morning when she wakes up,
tis are just a bad dream .
Everthing back to normal like the way it supposed to be.....
Looking away from me,
Friday, February 15, 2008
MARSHA.HERS posted at 12:45 AM |

Ferrero Rocher; loved!!
Missed; Confused
Slap my forehead!!!
Wakey wakey MARSHA!!!
Crazy Emotion,
Saturday, February 9, 2008
MARSHA.HERS posted at 2:48 AM |

Dear handphone,
Please stop sulking me.. i know i did treated u so badly.. but i love u so much.. cant u see.. Everwhere i go i'll never left u behind EVEN into da toilet okay!! so puuuhlese my dearest handphone, at times like this i would really appreciate the idea of you not crashing down like nobody's business.
Yours sincere,
Thursday, February 7, 2008
MARSHA.HERS posted at 3:11 AM |

haish... i wanna shop badly lar sey... i wanna shop... i wanna shop.. i wanna shop... I WANNA SHOP!!!! How do i wish theres such thing as dollars rainning.. n da season fall on the sales season..wohoooo!! I will be the first person sey to be waitting for the first dollars dat drop from the sky.. hohoho. do i wish i have a doraemon pocket which whenever i said "KANTONG AJAIB I LOVE2 U MANY2 PUUUHLEASE GIVE ME SOME MONEY..." den... pfffft... theres $1k for me to go to shop... Or....... how do i wish when i wake up.. my handphone ring.. den..Daddy: sayang, where are u?
Me: at home( with my buruk sexy voice.. haha)
Daddy: hish.. anak dara masih tdo.. tkper2 tido lame2 sikit kay... ayah tau fatheen penat..
Me: hm... okay.... (otak hairan.. da pekene ngan bapak aku)
Daddy: sayang i got surprise for u..
Me: hm...( with tat sexy buruk voice again, but in malas manner)
Daddy: wakey wakey baby gal... watch it for urselves its on ur acessories table..
Me: Malas lar yah.. nk tdo ni penat.. (weird bapak aku ni)
Daddy:NO2.. now sayang..
Me: hm.. japla.. ( wake up with my buruk face n messy hair)
MATE TERBELOLOK as in my eyes opened up very big like a fish ball size...Guess wat i saw.........
Me: Nape susah2 ni yah...?? fatheen tk mintk ni sume.. kesian ayah.. (padahal2.. haha. manis...)
Daddy: nahmind... ayah aru dpt commission tu.. gi la mandi den gi ajak saper2 teman kau gi shopping kay.. klu tk cukup kai credit card yg ayah tinggalkan tu kay.. klu tk cukup gak, kol ayah ti ayah transfer duit agi..
Me: (kening up2) okay ayah!!! YOU rock are daddy!! luuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuurve u many2 loads2 byk2!!! kayla bye2!! ur baby nk mandi n off to shop!!!!
Daddy: okay!! happy2 habiskan duit ayah kay....
Me: OKAY!!! dada!!!( terkinja2 mcm monyet, joget2,nyanyi)
hehe.. boleh per... hahaa. Okay Marsha da bobal mepeks.... Marsha gone craaaaaaaaazy with her bunbun syndrome...
Tuesday, February 5, 2008
MARSHA.HERS posted at 9:39 PM |

Lies doesnt solve anythingLies doensnt help even an inchLies doesnt makes things right Even u think tat its for good sake
It takes loadsa of courage to get a trust from sum1But it tooks oni a sec to destroy it..
MARSHA.HERS posted at 9:31 PM |

We need da truth to avoid from thousands of questions in our mind..
But why does da truth hurts?
Left unsaid,
Monday, February 4, 2008
MARSHA.HERS posted at 11:56 PM |

The word 'SORRY' supposed to be a good thing for everyone
but it doesnt seem to be tat way for me
'sorry' means hurts
'sorry' means no questions
'sorry' means get ready babeh to be fool again
'sorry' is like a pen knife keep slashing da fragile heart
Everytime the phone "ring" scares me
Everytime hearing the voice melt me
Is this God's test for me
If so, God please give the strenght to me
Hard to forget
Hard to let go
But have to accept
The fact that ones dun love or care bout u anymore
Ones do come
Ones do go
Had to overcome
N dun fell anymore
She's hurt
She's stupid
She's always fell weneva love came across
She's been fooled
She did things tat totally not her
She did things tat she never even think tat she cud do or even wanna do
She break her ego
She shred loadsa tears
She put herself damn low
She humiliate herself
She lets others talk or bully her just to stand strong for her love
Her love mean nothing to ones
Her love doesnt have any effects to ones
Her love is just like a donut to ones
which its nice to taste but end up become a waste
So please forgive her if she react tis way
She hope u can undertsand wat she's trying to say
Sunday, February 3, 2008
MARSHA.HERS posted at 12:18 AM |

Love is always be patient and kind
Love is NEVER rude or selfish or even throw VULGARITIES
It does not take offense and it is not resentful
Love is takes no pleasure in other peopl's sins..but delights in the truth
Love is always ready to trust,to hope,and to endure
Love is whatever comes
Loving him is a dreaming
Being with him is amazing
Having him is a meaning
However holding onto him
knowing that u cant make him happy
n such an irrittating to him
is damn freaking hurting
To him friends is everything
To him marsha is nothing
To him Fatheen Nabeelah is boring
By ol means..
To her,
Its the end of everything
Letting go sum1 precious to u is aching
deep inside feel like dying
but doncha wanna shine back
like the sun shine in da morning
learning to enjoy life to da fullest...
make it as if no one business..
until we feel the happiness..
coz tat's wat we deserve most..
Gotta let da spirit be free,
Friday, February 1, 2008
MARSHA.HERS posted at 1:53 PM |

okay...HAMLAO!!! Best word to describe everything.(new words i learnt from peeque..haha).
means irritating,bustard,ugly,ngekngok,wack,blur,blank n every dundun things.
Its like "BAGALAP" , "SLEBET" n etc.
"Enjoy. Dance. Fun. Quarrel. Fight.
Misunderstanding. Wanna keep my face inside my pocket.
walk off. Msgs. Call. Cry. Apologies. DUNNOE.
Miss. Yes.No. Love. Yes.No.
Marsha's Totally Out of her mind per.