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♥shopaholiclaydee-oreocheesecake.blogspot.com ♥

Tuesday, July 22, 2008
MARSHA.HERS posted at 4:07 PM | 0 Noticed Me

This Blog is no longer being used or updated by marsha..
This will be the last post that will be posted..
There are a lot of Kaypoo-s and ngekngok people whom really care bout me soo much.. Aww...*I'M TOUCH* *wink*(=hehe.
However, this blog will remain as it is and will not be deleted due to my personal reasons..
Though the poppet Corner is no longer in use... Sorry for the inconvinience sayang-zzz..
To all my Lovie Dovie hate taggers fans.. Thanks for your support and concerns..
Really appreciated.. (=
Love Love Cinta Cinta Sayang Sayang
You Guys Loads Loads...

Friday, July 4, 2008
MARSHA.HERS posted at 9:47 PM | 0 Noticed Me

Im soo freaking mendak to da max right now.. Cant sleep at all.. Maybe loadsa things stuck in my head.. should i ignore? should i remain silence? should i just go with the flow? hais.. WTH! im totally gundu right now..*WACK MARSHA's HEAD* Sometimes i wonder if i can invent a remote control that can control my mind so that i can press a STOP button to my brain.. Coz seriously.. my mind is damn freaking tired but it still insist to keep thinking.. stupid brain of mine! (boleh gitu marah ngan otak sendrik? haha boleh jer la..)

n yeah.. Since nothing to do, decided to upload all the Sydney's and recent pics ,as i had promised from da previous post, but unfortunately, i cant.. i dunnoe wats da prob lar kan.. is it bcos of the network, or my laptop, or the pics itself or maybe its because of the owner herself.. feeling VERY NGEKNGOK this few days(tk penting eh marsha.. no link! haha).. *dundun face* shrugged. The pics cant be uploaded ni.. IRRITATING BAGALAP SHITOS TOL AR.. There's some errors which me myself kinda sotong bout tis kinda stuff.. but nah.. nahmind.. will try next other time..

Okay.. what to popet ehk.. hm..okay.. its saturday morning.. its aweadi blabla A.M(my laptop's time is aweadi terbiat so i dunnoe wat time is it now).. My name is marsha.. My laptop is my unfriendly friend that i have right now.. I name my laptop Devil Lil Angle.. coz my laptop always pissed me off but due to its kindness right now, by accompanying me when no one wanna accompany me(kesiankan.. haha), so i've decided to change lil bit of mindset towards it by saying tat its actually have lil angle.. HAHAHA. mepekzzzz.hmhm... okay..marsha's talking craps.. duh! *yell out loud!!* IM DAMN BORED LAR!! i have no idea what to talk actually.. hm.. what i noe is just i wanna keep typing n typing n typing.. so negative thoughts will never struck into my head anymore n time will past very fast... Making myself sleepy typing all this noncense.. duh..

Okay lets stop it.. Lets talk bout something else.. urm.. okay.. Lets open a new topic.. hm.. okay its a question..what do u guys think of ur bf's bestfriend who confessed to u that he actually likes u n admire u since the day he talk with u.. a bestfriend who all this while has been covering up ur bf's ass.. always telling u that u shudnt listen to others more than to ur own bf.. asking u to have faith in ur own bf... assuring u that ur bf is loyal n sincere type of person.. he will never did things behind u.. but out of nowhere one day he came to u n confronted u.. telling u that all those thing that he has said about ur bf was all lies.. it was just for the sake of dont wanna quarrel with ur bf n dun want ur bf to feel that he's backstabbing ur bf.. n now he says that ur bf doesnt deserve u.. saying that ur bf is a stupid asshole.. saying that ur bf all this while was cheating on you n lying to u.. saying that all tis while ur bf was making fool of u n just wanna take advantage of what u have right now.. he tells u that ur bf said that sooner or later he gonna ditch u.. just waiting for the right time.. After a lots of "hardworking"... finally he ask n beg u to leave ur bf.. he said that he wanted to open a new chapter of life with u.. he promised u that he will brighten up every single days of urs.. will treat u better than ur bf had n lead u to a happy ever after life.. he then keep pestering u to give him a chance n forcing u out for a date.. n eventually the best part is that he asked u to promise him not to tell ur bf that he is contacting u n whatever he had confessed.. After hearing all this.. what might be ur reaction? how do u react towards it? confusion? angry? still have 100% trust on ur bf? no dobt at all with ur bf? keep it to urself? confront ur bf? or just go with the flow n be prepared for the worst?

--based on true story of NS men..

Tuesday, June 24, 2008
MARSHA.HERS posted at 4:08 PM | 0 Noticed Me

still at sch.. P.D having exam.. so yar.. waiting for him..
n im bored!! so feel like blogging as its been few days i didnt update my blog..
so yar.. here we go peppot again..

I just came back from Sydney.. Went there with my cuzie, Sally, n her fren...
Seriously, it was dope..
Love the scenary... especially the clouds n the sunset..
The weather is nice... -->according to my sally(thick skin lady!haha), but for me its damn cold to death!
n as per normal I shop like no one business!! haha. n yar..shocked me that i had spent 1k just on shopping.. n i dunnoe y..somehow i still feel its not enuf! *crazy marsha* *slap marsha's forehead* haha.
However the foodthere was damn freaking ex! just imagine one kebab would cost around 10 aus dollars n a VERY small bowl of tomyum will cost 15.95 aus dollars which is totally not worth it ar..CRAZY!! *BLOODSUCKER MOTHERFUCKER lar siak!* haha.
n the most exciting n happy moment for me was at the zoo!! WEEEEE....
It was the first time in my life ever im not scared to touch an animal... n seriously im so proud of it.. haha*jakon Marsha!* Seriously, i usually damn scared to even come near an animal except birds n ants lar.. of coz! haha. wohooo.. n i fell in love with the koala there.. REALLY! hehe. damn cute!! okay..i think no need for me to b longwinded.. basically I REALLY ENJOYED THE TRIP N I LOVE IT!! hehe. will upload the pics soon.. as ol the pics still with my cuzie...

The day after i reached spore, my Mok P.D brought me to SEOUL GARDEN again!! hehe. blame him for all my babats! haha. n he bought me a roller blade too! hehe. n till now im still ngekngok playing it. haha. n he kept making fun of my stupidness n slengerness. THANKS TO HIM LAR EHK! *bagalap boifey!*hehe. However i do appreciate all his effort n wat he had done for me. Anyway... to my dearie P.D, i dun expect anything more from u d..coz wat ure now is really enuf for me.. i just loved the way u treated n show ur love to me right now.. no need to worry bout anything aite.. lets just pray to God that nothing will come in between of us aite..

I feel very lethargic n ngekngok today.. hais.. My body aching like shits.. Oh God!! no!!! pls i dun wanna fall a sick again.. I cant effort to skip anymore.. So please give me the healthy n active lifestyle again..

Monday, June 9, 2008
MARSHA.HERS posted at 12:50 AM | 0 Noticed Me

I kept my head up high,and then you came my way.
I have been hurt so many times.
My heart filled with so much pain.
but now that pain has faded away.
and im strong and brave again.
For I have found a place I want to be.
This place I see is with you, my dearie P.D.

I love you because you make me happy
I love you because you make me feel safe and secure
I love your smile n laugh
I love the way you called me 'baybee'
I love the look in your eyes when you tell me you love me
And how you laugh at me when I do something stupid, when others would put me down.
I love the fact that when I'm around you
I can be myself and not worry about what you may think of me,
because I know you love me for who I am.
No matter what my faults may be.

It is Love that gives me courage
to stand against my fears
to open up my heart to you,
to let you see my tears.
It is Love that gives me trust and hope
when little thing go wrong.
When distance stands between us,
it is Love that keeps me strong.
but why now everything seems wrong?

Love gives a great pleasure,
and those moments I do treasure,
it will never be the mainway to show I care,
but for u to know weneva u need me i'll always b there.

I'll be the clock gently ticking,
reminding you of the times,
however thinking without reacting,
taking u far away from the fine.

I often fail to show the depth of love to you.
I try to do the little things,to show you every day.
But one thing or another seems to get into the way.
I keep telling myself to be more open,
to have courage and be strong.
But some how fear takes over and then everything goes wrong.
I dream of perfect love for us,and hope that it will be.
And yet I end up giving you a less than perfect me.
I want to be much more for you,
be everything you need.
I hope and seek, beg and pray"Change me God! ", I plead.
You are the only one I want now.
I guess, my love, there's still so much that I have yet to learn.
I cannot give perfection,but this I promise I will do,
I will spend my life time learning how to give my love to you.

I hope i'll belong to you till the very end,
and you will forever stay as my lover and friend.
It has been so good like this from the start,
so my dearie P.D please, have a faith in me n trust me with your heart.

Wednesday, May 28, 2008
MARSHA.HERS posted at 11:05 PM | 0 Noticed Me

hm.. Okay.. cant sleep although its aweadi 12 plus..
Feeling2 of updating.. so yeah.. here we goes..

Its Wednesday..
so i woke up a bit late today..
Went out with P.D..
P.D fetched me.. As usual marsha's always late.. hehe. Luckily tat bagalap bacin didnt get angry... sori bacin.. n yar... im really glad to have a patience dinosaur like u.. (=

As planned..We went to Pasir Ris beach.. As both of us wanted to destress lar katekan..
Wanted to feeling2 hawaii.. hehe. So yeah.. lurve the breeze.. it was damn peaceful..
But after awhile.. my stomach started to KROOK KROOK again.. hehe. Its time to feed them P.D......... hehe.
So we went to Tampines Mall as i suggested to eat LJS..
It was rainning.. Luckily it started wen we aweadi reached Tamp.. If not surely i'll feel ngekngok da whole day having my top all wet.. hm..
After reaching the top level, i saw this huge logo... its the place where i really2 craving to eat for the past a month ago..
guess wat.......hehehe. *smiley2 big2 huge2*
TODAY my P.D fulfill it... hehehe. heart2 cinta2 sayang2 him a lot!!! hehe. *huggies*

SEOUL GARDEN!!!!! i swear.. i ate EXTRA damn freaking A LOT today... Just imagined, i ate untill my stomach become like a 7 months pregnant lady!!wohoooo.. STOP IT LAR SEY... perangai dundun sey marsha.. hehe. but nah.. who cares right... all i care tat point of time was oni THE FOOD N THE FOOD N THE FOOOOOOOOD!! hehe. yummy2...
Thanks P.D... i really2 very2 super2 enjoy it.. hehe. (=


Saturday, May 24, 2008
MARSHA.HERS posted at 11:32 PM | 0 Noticed Me

Okay.. Few days havent update.. so it will be a loooooong poppet session here..
Lets start poppet-ing here..

17-19 MEI
Hm... had fun for the past few days.. hehe. When for da KL trip with cuzzie Sally.. We gone crazy out there shopping, shopping n shopping... been treated seriously like a princess.. wolalala~~ pampering ourselves with the luxurious.. hehe. But unfornately The Threesome was incomplete as tat mama Yuhtee didnt join us.. But nah.. its okay.. there's always next other time right... collect collect collect money2 many2 byk2 aite so we can go wolala again....(=

n Thanks to my Purple Dinosaur for the surprise on that night.. hehe. Really appreciated d.. so sweet of you.. (=

20 MEI

My babats getting worst as im getting fatter n fatter! argh.. Therefore have to or maybe the perfect word is MUST exercise!! hmph.. so i went for jogging with Purple Dinosaur n Sally.. fuh.. damn tiring! my muscles are pain n seriously my WHOLE BODY is aching!! argh.. After a so called tiring jog(which is just a seriously short jog.. haha), we hang out at pasir ris beach.. Feeling2 small kid at the playground.. but then tat two craaaaaaazy ppl then decided to climb the spider web which is for me IS TOTALLY HELL NO!! However due to both of them, i've been forced to do it.. Gosh.. oni God noes how scared n bagalap i was up there.. my heart is like stop at a moment when im looking down.. duh.. n thanks to them eh.. cos of tat i had a cut on my hands..haha. however i really enjoyed the way my life goes on rite now.. My life is full of enjoyment and adventures every single day.. I get to do and experience things that i've never thought that i can do.. All thanks to Purple Dinosaur.. For opening up my eyes on what the real world is n how fun life could be if we look ahead n never ever dwell over the past..

21 MEI

Not schooling but still going to meet that purple dinosaur(P.D)..
Wednesday as per norm, is a free day except for P.D as he got his FYP meeting.. so yar..
He wif his meeting n i with my own chores till arnd 3.. n i was craving for rojak mama which i dunnoe watsup wif me.. haha. So P.D brought me to S11.. (=
Due to my slengerness, after eating ,both of us went to the library to study.. as i tot tat i got a test on the day after.. SLENG! whereby my test is act on fri.. but nah..as in malay phrase says prepare an umbrella before its rain.. so yar.. haha. macam paham! *perangai cap tige sak marsha*

22 MEI
went home early.. nothing much..as both of us were tired and moreover has an exam the day after..

23 MEI
Finished school late as we had an exam on that day.. After that, as per norm.. My stomach keep yelling at me asking me to feed them.. So i suggested P.D to eat at beach rd n as usual he will always agreed with me.. (= but argh.. Its a damn freaking long journey sak n i swear tat i can feel my butt being flat! duh! However after having the food, there's no regret.. as the food was really dope lar sey! haha. (= After that he accompanied me home to change.. As wat we had make a point whereby every tuesday n friday we must jog.. so yar.. we went for jogging..
at arnd 8 i rushed home.. cos nid to sent my dad to untie normah's place.. Around 10 plus went out again to fetch my dad n went for dupper with my family.. hish... tiring..

Went out with P.D n his frens.. duh.. type a lot aweadi..Lazy to type somemore.. hehe. but niwae the pics tells.. (=

n this some of the pictures taken during the KL trip...(=
In da room.. pampering ourselves..

Our act decend faces.. ahaha.(tak menjadi punye..)

Tuesday, May 13, 2008
MARSHA.HERS posted at 10:33 PM | 0 Noticed Me


as usual.. Marsha was late to school.. reached school after break..
reasons: Overslept?? or...... PURPOSELY overslept... haha.
actual reason:
1-tues- DATABASE Module
2-Faci- Selet man, who is damn fucking sucks!
4-MAYBE overslept... haha.
Other than that ngekngok modules, everything is great n fun today. Especially having my purple dinosaur by my side.. makes my life feel woooolala~~~ hehe. n.. now im really into soya beancurd!! everyday cant miss eating eat.. n now im getting fatter n fatter.. ARGH!! n all this i've to put blame on that bagalap purple dinosaur!! He's such a bad influence!! REALLY!! haha.
Cant wait for tommorrow.. weeeeeeeeeee..Meeting my purple dinosaur early in da morning.... n we're going for..
-Roller blading...
-Head Massaging...
n........ SEOUL GARDEN..!!!

Love love MY BAGALAP PURPLE DINOSAUR loads loads. Never fails to cheer me up every single day.. (=

credits to ELMO for these pics....

MaRsHa PuTri FaThEeN NaBeeLaH....

Thursday, May 1, 2008
MARSHA.HERS posted at 7:24 PM | 0 Noticed Me

Damn shagged. Reached home about 8 plus in da morning.
Had fun last night with all them. n especially the Boify. Thanks D..
Haha. To think bout what had happened yesterday, every single ones' ngekngok character and bagalap attitude makes me smile... n to flash back the time when all of us were sleeping in da MRT, everyone was looking at us n we're making ourselves at home, i cant stop laughing... HAHAHA. n yar.. i REALLY DO had fun.. thank guys.. I love my laydees n the new friends loads loads.. (=

Here are some of the pictures to share.. anyway..sorry gurls.. some of them are blur.......

At Pasir Ris MRt station..

(while waiting for tat makcik yati.. n this is what happened when joya gurls meet each other.. )

(dundun,marsha,mak peah n mc'd girl) (=

(n yar.. we are cuzzies.. (= )

(marsha n her PURPLE DINOSAUR)

(n tis is the day wen The Threesome reunite back)

On our way to our wooooolala land..

(tat is when mama ti gets mad... OMG! n it scares my purple dinosaur! haha)

(close up..OMG! i look fat here.. n cant deny im gainning weight.. haha)

The moment when we reached our wooolala land...

(The beauty of The Woolala Land... haha)

(This is when my purple dinosaur feeling2 emo la kan.. haha)

(da moment when marsha ngah syiok sendrik..)

(marsha's drumstick hand.. (= )

(oreocheesecake & her buffymokpok (opps..sori D..(=) )

(oh.. oh.. a purple dinosaur gone evil behind me!!)

The wackness of duduns' faces......

Love me;THANKYOU.Hate me;FUCKYOU. (=

Sorry For the Inconvinience.. (=