Loving him is a meaning, being with him is amazing, having him is everything.. but holding on wif him knowing tat he's unhappy being wif me is damn freaking hurting.. Juz want him to b happy coz seeing him happy makes me smile although its killing.. To him friends and his things are everything.. To him marsha is nothing except only a burden for him.. To him Fatheen Nabeelah is boring.. By all means.. but 4 HIM to know.. to her HE'S everything n there's nthg can change this fact..
She just dunnoe y she still love him a lot no mater how much he hurt her ! She's tries her best to forget him n make herself occupied but still! can't get over it..really dunnoe how to not to think about him at all sey.. sigh. Jaded.
She really miss the old time of them.. The "KENTAL", "SLENGER" n "MepeK yet Cute" moment of them.. Those moment really makes her smile when she think back.. haha. Although it was kinda "KENTAL", but she feels very secured with her relationship at that point of time.. If giving her a choice to choose to live in her "Kental" time or now.. She would rather choose to live in her kental time back.. How do she wish the time can be rewind back... hmhm..
These were the pictures taken in our "KENTAL, SLENGE,MEPEK YET CUTE" zaman. haha.

haha.. do u believe tat tiz was wat we look like last time.. really like a nerdy slenger dundun!! haha.
n tiz was our 1ST DATE!! ahhaha

@ Our favourite eating place
The first pic i edited in 2004..
HIM in da past few years...
Miss all those moment lar sey!! haish....
Hurt 2 da fullest,