Is it hard to be sincere?? is it hard to just tell me the truth if he said he still really love me n never think that we had ever break up.. is it damn bloody hard?! argh.. im so frustrated.. I feel like my heart being stabbed several times with a knife sey wen everytime wen i ask him, he will lied.. i knew he lies.. i just can feel it.. n tis time my feel become stronger n actually its proven true wen other ppl told me.. the most thing tat dissapoint me is tat, i knew it from other people's mouth but NOT FROM HIM.. If he really still treated me as his GIRLFRIEND, as wat he said, y he didnt tell me anything bout wat had happened? why?!?!?! i feel so useless and ashame wen other ppl ask me about him n all i can say is '' huh?? really?? i dunnoe.." argh!! Fish! i feel soo stupid, unappreciated n being fooled.
argh all tis while,wat i feel is true...what shud i do? im totally blank.. am i supposed to just pretend that as if i noe nuts about it.. i even hint him but he still trying his best to cover it.. everytime i ask, all he will answer me are MOST of them are lies.. the "BEST" part is i noe tat every single answer from him is a lie but i cant say anything.. i can say NOTHING!! argh..this monday.. yar this monday i really hope the truth will come out.. but am i really ready for it?? am i really strong to face it wen i get to know the truth INFRONT OF MY EYES??? god.. pls gimme strength.. wonder when tis will end..
Aniwae thanks ELYANA.. Thanks fer the bear.. heart u sis....